Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just read thru all the posts on my old blog. It brought back a lot of good memories. I wrote down things about my kiddos that I didn't remember. So I am going to try.

We are moving to TN! I am nervous and excited at the same time. I don't know anyone down there, I don't make friends easily. But I hear our new neighbors are nice, and we have a nice place.

Kiddos have had colds, and baby has decided not to sleep the last few nights, so I am on little sleep... which is fine, but my mind goes to funny places.

My kids make me laugh. Cole today said, "Mom, I'm weird, but I'm really funny." That should be our family slogan.


  1. Cole always makes me laugh. I love hearing all his new quips.

    I'm sure you will make new friends in no time. Tennessee, huh? That's an interesting place to relocate to- especially from San Diego.

  2. I think you should get transferred to Pullman...tell me who I need to talk with to make that happen :) Love love love the picture of your kids. I miss you.
