Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Now you are 4

Dear sweet Katy,
Today you are four. How is that possible. You are a wonderful daughter. You love all things princess. You dance. You love plastic lizards! What a contrast.

You delight me. Your eyes are so bright and sparkling. You still say "berry" instead of very. I love that. You are very helpful, you are kind. You love Jesus.

You are learning to ride your bike. You have very strong opinions about what you wear. Its all dresses. I think you have wore jeans one time this year. The more sparkle the better.

I love you honey. I am so glad you had a fun day today. Sea World, Chuck E Cheese, and then cake and presents.

Daddy and I are so proud of you!

Birthday Part 1

Birthday Part 2

Birthday Part 3

Friday, March 26, 2010

My son, I do love him and adore him. However, I don't understand him. I grew up with sisters, no brothers. So I don't know how boys grow up. I am continually asking Josh, or my friend w/ 3 boys, if he is "normal"

For example, right now, its all about killing, cutting arms off, beating up, getting the bad guys. I finally had to tell him to only tell his dad about that for now. Mommy doesn't like all that stuff. Daddies like that stuff.

Then today, he is singing in the back to the tune of "God is so good to Me"
God is so Stinky
God is so Stinky
God is so Stinky
He's so Stinky to me.


Then 2 minutes later, Mom, I love God, I want the whole world to know God. Mom, I was telling my sister about God, that God loves her so much, but she has to be careful because God sees when you sneak cookies....

I love my son!

Friday, March 19, 2010

I have got to learn how to work this. I think if my blog looked cute and happy I would write much more... (I like to think that)

I have a pretty easy life. I get to live in the USA, my husband has a job and makes a good living. We get to live in lots of different places... I am BLESSED!

So why do I get depressed? Why do I look at the negative? Why am I wired this way? Why do I love to eat so much I am struggling losing weight?

As I've been asking myself all of these questions. And I know, I just had a baby, I'm not sleeping, etc. etc. I will always have excuses. But what does GOD want me to do about it? If I have serious cravings for food, can I transfer that craving to God? (does that make sense) If he gave us all these emotions, and our temperaments, I am supposed to just suck it up, or find out how to use it, the good bad and ugly, without whining... argh, its so hard to explain what I am thinking!

Anyway, I am exercising, and I do like that. I just need to eat less...

Husband just called, he wants to go somewhere out tonight, and it involves ice cream. He said, "Honey I am here to plump you up" (in reference to the old SNL skit) And he made me laugh out loud!!!

anway, here is a picture of my wonderful children whom I adore... they do make me smile... and I HAVE to learn to put the picture in the right place... does it always go to the top when you insert them?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just read thru all the posts on my old blog. It brought back a lot of good memories. I wrote down things about my kiddos that I didn't remember. So I am going to try.

We are moving to TN! I am nervous and excited at the same time. I don't know anyone down there, I don't make friends easily. But I hear our new neighbors are nice, and we have a nice place.

Kiddos have had colds, and baby has decided not to sleep the last few nights, so I am on little sleep... which is fine, but my mind goes to funny places.

My kids make me laugh. Cole today said, "Mom, I'm weird, but I'm really funny." That should be our family slogan.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Baby blues are not fun. I realize I've felt off lately, and have been beating myself up for gaining weight, and not wanting to do anything but sit... I forget about the whole post baby hormone thing! :) (hair is falling out now too... good thing I have a lot of it!)

I have started exercising again and I am enjoying it. I need to start eating better!

My kids crack me up. Katy is so girlie, more than I ever was. Yesterday she was pretending she was a dr. and I said, "thank you for fixing my owie Katy" She said, Mom, I'm Doctor Princess Katy.

Okay then.

So here are some pictures of the kiddos. We had to stay in a hotel last week, and we went for a walk around the area. The first one is of Grace and Hannah in the hotel. Sorry its kind of rough. I haven't figured out all the picture stuff yet.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm going to have to learn how to download pictures. It doesn't look too difficult. However, it means I have to put pictures on my computer, and that is difficult, well not difficult... just time consuming, and I am lazy, and I can never find my camera, or my card reader, etc... we will see
We are in a hotel right now. A hot water pipe broke in our house, and so our living room and kitchen are pretty torn up. I've enjoyed being here... I love hotels, but it will be nice to get back to our house.

Baby is growing like crazy. She is smiling now and starting to babble a bit. She was 2 months on the 25th.
#3 is going to send me to an early grave. I love her to death, but she is very stubborn and loves to throw very loud screaming fits. Sigh.

#2 is all girl, she still loves all thing princess. She loves to dance and dress up.

#1 is very boy. All things superhero, he wants to be the strongest and fastest. He wants to kill bad guys and save the day. And at the same time is very tender with his younger sisters. He is a great big brother... he's going to make someone a GREAT husband someday!

We are very blessed.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

How funny, sitting here with my mother in law and husband. We are all at the kitchen table, and all on our computers. Josh is listening to Christian music from the 70s/80s... I know very little of it. So he says I am a heathen. :) I only remember Amy Grant from the 80s... I mostly listened to secular.

I am very tired today, tried to go to the mall, got to the mall, but baby was pretty fussy. However, I found a 40.00 dress for her dedication for only 8.00!

Okay, my posts have been seriously boring. I am going to have to get more creative! Maybe when I get more sleep.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Katy started Dance lessons. She loved it! I will try to post pics... that means I have to learn to post pics... sigh

Went to dr. for my 6 week post baby check up. All is fine. Had a med student watching. He was pretty funny, you could tell he was fairly new, and was still a little uncomfortable with the ob/gyn side of things!

I feel like a big lump. Not exercising, and eating more (holidays) I have not lost weight, in fact, I've put on a couple pounds. But I can start exercising again now, so hopefuly the weight wil come off!

Katy went down the big slide by herself for the first time!

Grace is saying "I do it!" Tole=Cole Taty=Katy Nana=Hannah byby=blanket

Katy told me today, Mom, get your dirty feet off my lovely bed (she had made the footstool into her bed)

Speaking of bed, its calling my name!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Here we go again

Okay, I am going to try this again, to blog that is.

I want to remember my kiddos and the fun things they say and do...

Since I last posted, we had another baby.

We are supposed to be moving in April, but haven't heard yet where... so I am "patiently waiting"