Tuesday, January 25, 2011

There is a possible snow day tomorrow. I am waiting for the call, because there is like 1/4 inch of snow outside! :)

Haven't slept much, so my fuse is very short... yesterday, I made all the kids go upstairs to play, and I stayed down, just so I wouldn't lose my temper/say something I regret. Its so hard to stay positive when I am tired. I got a good night sleep last night, but still am not at 100% It takes a lot more to bounce back! I don't know how I did night after night in college...

Katy: Mom, its scrumptious!
That is what she says now anytime she likes something. It is so cute with her lisp.

Grace is loving our elliptical. She stands on one side until it moves, then jumps to the other side. I have a video, I will have to post it sometime.

When I am getting ready in the am, this is where Grace is. I love her!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day

Since it looked like there would be snow, school got out early. Since we got an inch, it is closed tomorrow.

It is so weird! When I was growing up, we would have to have feet of snow, before school was canceled.

Yes, pictures are big, and look like they aren't placed. I have to figure this out still...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I love my new blog look! It makes me want to blog more!!! Thank you so much Erin! I love it!!!!


Me: (mumbling to self) I don't want the bonus material

Son: You don't want the butt-ass material????
